Greetings Everyone.

This is VE3TPZ  James I’m filling as the Temporary Manager for the Ontario Phone Net.

At this time there are no script changes or other changes other than an updated Net Controller Schedule.

The current Script that Our Last net manager Ian VE3HMS has written up is working fine so I will remain with it.


Our net controllers are as follows

Sunday       VE3TPZ JAMES

Monday      VE3RHJ Brad

Tuesday      VE3PSV Shawn

Wednesday    Open (VE3TPZ |filling in )

Thursday     VE3WKJ George

Friday          VA3PB PAUL

Saturday’s   Open (VE3TPZ will fill in  if Available)

If I have omitted someone please advised me ASAp by email AT ve3tpz@rac.ca

James Davidson VE3TPZ/VA3WR

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